... i dostałem nieśmiertelniki ^______^ Moja girl to ma zawsze super pomysły na prezent ^_^ thanks!! a co jest na nieśmiertelnikach to nie powiem ;P to wie tylko linnenn, ja i ktoś kto kiedyś znajdzie moje spalone od napalmu zwłoki xd ...
"Each regular season game brings millions of dollars in economic benefit to NFL cities such as Indianapolis, impacting not just players and coaches, but stadium employees, restaurants, hotels, retailers and others." ...
The estate runs to 15000 acres of which the Towie shoot takes up about 2000. Of 20 drives the foremost are The Bum Stripe, Trancie, The Witchie, Mackenzie's Corner and Nether Towie. While bags tend to run to between 150 and 250 birds ...